Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I was so sad to find out today that my ex-partner has breast cancer. She's not at all scared nor worried, but I am...:-( It's been a hard day because the check I am expecting in the mail did not come yet and I have no money to distract myself with. There was a meeting I wanted to go to tonight and I'm afraid I don't even have enough gas not to worry about it. It's always a challenge for me to keep busy around the house. I did make my cranberry apple pear ginger sauce for the potluck at my church at least. I am so looking forward to the weekend, but tonight I must say I am lonely. It would be the perfect timing for me to go to that DBSA support group, but I just can't risk it. So I'll watch TV later on; I'm too tired to read my Bible. Nap time I guess.If anyone reads this thanks in advance.

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